Back Granite - Brazil

Alaska White

Imported from Brazil, one of the worlds largest natural stone exporter, the Alaska White is mainly composed of feldspath and quartz.

Rust colored veining can be present on certain slabs due to the oxidation process that takes course over millions of years. Alaska White is a beautiful mix of pale whites and silvers, with warm neutrals and amber tones, a tribute to Brazil’s environment, a country that offers its visitors not only a fascinating culture but a geodiversity that enables it to produce a stone like the Alaska White. Whether it be for counters or vanities, this beautiful stone will be sure to enhance its surroundings.

In the course of the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the stone’s surface to fill part of its porosity (or pores) and natural cracks that may be apparent. This has no incident on the durability, the maintenance or the beauty of the natural stone. It is possible that certain pores are too small to contain efficiently the resin, and reopen during the finishing stages. This does not affect the stone’s quality. Such as it is the case with most natural stones, it is recommended to apply a sealer to extend its beauty through time.

  • Counters
  • Fireplace Contours
  • Flooring
  • Full-size Backsplash
  • Interior furniture
  • Podium Bath Contours
  • Shower Bases
  • Sinks
  • Walls
Technical file (PDF)